You’ve probably been searching all over the place trying to find out how you can get married in the Our World Game. We’ve got the answers to your gaming questions, including getting married.
How To Get A Boyfriend or Girlfriend
First and foremost, you gotta have a special friend before you can get married. So, here are the steps if you don’t have one already:
Pick out a great outfit that is so you! All clothes can be purchased with gems you have collected in the game. Choose your hair and eye color and it never hurts to have a really cool tan!
Go find that really cute guy or gal.
Get into conversations with them and attach a few smilie faces such as :). Show that you really do have an interest in him or her. Hint: if they wink back at you – they like you! Keep conversations going for the best results. Another Hint: If you only get single word responses from your interest, I would say this person is not into you! Move on!
Make Friends With Them
Ask if they would like to go on a date and if the answer is yes, let them know where you would like to go. You can ask him out first but I’d personally hold out for him to ask you.
As the girl, if he really likes you, he will probably ask you to be his girlfriend. This isn’t going to happen on the first day because a good relationship is made up of being good friends first. If he never asks, it probably is not going to work out so move on! Don’t worry, there are plenty of guys in Our World! Ditto with guys looking for girls!
Sending your heart shows that you are subtly letting them know you like them.
At some point, if you want to marry this person, leave little hints. Also, either one can do the proposing.
How To Get Married
Now we are the moment you have been waiting for. It’s really quite easy to do. Go to your boyfriend’s/girlfriend’s profile – click on “Send Proposal” and choose from 3 different styles of rings to choose from.
You will receive two messages: one for checking your profile and one for the ring you gifted.
Click on “Review” to see how many people sent you a proposal. Once you have accepted – you will have to gift a ring. It will be 100 gems from your partner and 100 gems from yourself in order to get married. It could be more than that amount if you want a more expensive ring.
You can either skip the announcement that you are getting married or go plan your wedding. If you choose to make an announcement, simply go to Normal – Chat – Wedding and leave a message.
How To Get a Nice Wedding Chapel
Here’s are some of the items available for you. There are plenty more, so these are only examples:
The Temple goes for 58 Gems, Fine Marble goes for 57 gems. Themes range from 50,000 to 85,000 coins. There are many different items to choose from.
If you don’t have that much cash, worry not! There are other items listed to choose from. You can always improvise or possibly you already have an item that would work perfectly for you.
How Do I Have A Baby?
You must level to 100, your spouse must also level to 100 and then Adopt Kids! It’s that simple!
House or Condo
Each player’s avatar has a house or condo that is decorated upon signing up.
So now you know how to get married in Our World. Sometimes you might want to hold up until you have enough gems and coins or tested the waters by meeting a bunch of people first. Make plenty of friends and then pick and choose!
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